Tips For Computer Use

Take a Picture of Your Computer Screen

Did you know that you could take a picture of your computer screen and send it to the clipboard? Then you can paste it into a graphics program or into a Word document to show an image of the screen.

To capture the screen, press Alt and the Print Screen key at the same time. Then to paste it, press Ctrl and the V key to see your captured screen.

This is a great trick for doing a tutorial.

Change a PDF to Text

Did you know you can change PDF documents to text? Why would you want to? I’ve found a few reasons so far.

For one thing, you can create PDF’s of your blog posts, then convert them to text. That way you can delete all the extra stuff, like links and summary information. Then you have just your blog posts, (although the most recent are at the top, but you can’t have everything) and you can paste them into a program to create a real book. This can then be printed or put on a cd and handed out to people. You could even sell it online as a complete information product – especially if you have a lot of content added to your blog over the years. No, I haven’t done this yet, but it’s on my “to do” list.

My next reason, and one I’ve been enjoying: Once the pdf has been converted to text, you can send it to your ebook reader and catch up on all your reading whenever you have to wait somewhere. I like to do this when I’m a passenger on a long trip.

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