I Need Your Thoughts

Here I am with another post wondering how I should be spending my time and energy. Sorry if you’re getting tired of hearing about it, but life is getting too short to waste time doing things that don’t matter to other people or to me. We’ve all been given specific strengths and I don’t want […]

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big memo note on corkboard with words make things happen

[Podcast] Success In Spite of Challenging Beginnings

Show Notes: To be successful, do you need to have money, intelligence, connections, everything going for you? Read biographies and that is not the case In 1966, this man dropped out of school because of a learning disability Then started a student magazine and sold advertising Four years later started selling records to his subscribers […]

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pumpkin pie clipart with give thanks quote written in white icing

[Podcast] Be Thankful

Show Notes: Reading of I Thessalonians. 5:18a Give thanks in all circumstances because you can’t be negative and be thankful at the same time. The experiences of my husband and I when we volunteer at the local homeless shelter and the thankfulness of an elderly man. Have a wonderful week, Carol

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success go get it written in white chalk on blackboard

[Podcast] Recognizing Your Abilities

Reading my Bible in the morning and singing a bit helps me to have a more positive start to my day. Consider this verse: Romans 12:6 says “God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.” We don’t realize that and think everyone can do those things, but that’s not true. […]

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young lady with long reddish hair fist in the air for excitement

[Podcast] Most Richly Blessed

Welcome to my new podcast! I’m planning to release a new episode every Monday. Below are the show notes. I hope you enjoy this new feature.

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Searching For My Meaning

As you may have noticed when I wrote the post wondering if I should retire or not, I have been searching these days for my purpose and meaning for this stage of my life. I turned 68 two weeks ago and those questions gather more steam as my days seem to be getting closer to […]

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backyard with a tree and wishing well covered in snow

Should I Retire?

Should I or shouldn’t I? Retire that is. With my 68th birthday quickly approaching, I’ve been asking myself that a lot lately. My husband wants me to be free to spend more time with him. But what would I do with the rest of my life? I doubt he wants me with him 24/7, he […]

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beautiful light blue 2 storey beach house with wrap-around balconey

Beachpreneurs and Pensicola Beach

I didn’t mention in my last blog post, but I was also watching the Florida hurricane closely because I was headed to Pensicola Beach for a ladies mastermind retreat. I was there for close to four days, working with three coaches and four other awesome small business owners. We came from both sides of Canada […]

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