My Learning Goal
Starting From Scratch Sometimes being a life-long learner is a hard thing. I have bought way too many tutorials I have not finished and dowloaded way too many free resources I have never read. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, running in so many directions and not knowing where I am […]
Your Ability
Are you using the ability God has given you? Or do you even know you have it?
Stop Trying Alone
Need some encouragement today? How about Ecclesiastes 4:9 and 10 and stop trying to do it all alone.
Building the Chain With Small Steps
Let’s decide on a small goal and be faithful to do it every day. Take the challenge with me and don’t break the chain.
Is It Time?
I hope you’re having a great Saturday. Even though it’s cold and snowy here, the sun has been brightly shining. Makes me almost feel like going outside. Almost. I went out yesterday to watch the grandkids toboggan and ended up having to go sit in the car because my feet were so cold. My husband […]
Hard To Believe
The beginning of August, I was off to Atlanta to the NAMS (Novice to Advanced Marketing) four day conference that I attend twice a year. I always get a lot out of the time, both in learning the latest short cuts and ideas and in networking opportunities with some of the smartest online marketers in […]