dealing with negative comments

Overcoming Negative Comments

Getting over negative comments.

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Hard To Believe

The beginning of August, I was off to Atlanta to the NAMS (Novice to Advanced Marketing) four day conference that I attend twice a year. I always get a lot out of the time, both in learning the latest short cuts and ideas and in networking opportunities with some of the smartest online marketers in […]

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Overcoming Learning Challenges

The man I mention in today’s motivation left school at 16 and had learning challenges. But he succeeded, and so can we.

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thoughts can hinder success

Thoughts Limiting Success

Are your thoughts getting in the way of your confidence and success in life?

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Losing Focus

When you are losing your focus and motivation, here’s an idea for getting it back.

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Good Friday Thoughts

On this Good Friday, let’s focus on all the good things in our lives.

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Why Keeping Your Focus Isn’t Easy

Sometimes keeping your focus isn’t so easy. Today we’ll talk about why.

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eight year old girl with sandy colored curly hair wearing a purple coat holding a memopad and pen

Self Publishing

You’ve probably heard the saying that inside every person is a book waiting to be written. With the ability to self-publish, it can now become a reality, but often we make the process too difficult. That is, we adults make it difficult. Watch the video explanation that this eight-year-old girl gives about how to not […]

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