dark grey mailbo with a red "@" internet sign flag turned up sign "No Spam" red circle with a line through it on the front of the mailbox

You Know More Than Many

If you’ve been on the Internet any length of time, you no doubt know more than many of the people around you. I was at a ladies’ get together last night, to bid farewell to a friend leaving for the States. It was the first time I had met a number of the women. One […]

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blue letters with gears drawn on them spelling out the word "TEAM", 6 black business people silhouettes standing in front

Computer Club Update

I started a new computer club at the community center here in town. When we lived in Toronto, I ran one that became very popular with the over 50 crowd. And we didn’t even have computers there. We just discussed our problems and gathered around a laptop I brought in (no Internet). Anyway, the new […]

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photo shows a white sprinter van with the FedEx logo written across the side in big letters a building and car are seen in the background

Acer Computer Repair Update

After having no luck resolving my Acer computer problem through emails to the company, I phoned their customer support and was patiently dealt with by a young techie for a whole hour. He walked me through a number of possible fixes and finally decided that my hard drive was partitioned improperly and they would have […]

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photo of a short haired lady in her thirties wearing a white tshirt smiling while talking into a headset microphone

Dragon Naturally Speaking

I finally bit the bullet and bought Dragon Naturally Speaking version 9. It’s speech recognition software that turns talk into text and is faster and more accurate than typing. You can do e-mail, instant messaging and surf the web – all by voice. Well, I like this product very much so far. It says no […]

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graphic of a pink background with a faceless woman wearing a suit holding a grey laptop with an assortment of makeup products displayed behind her

eBay Success

Last year, my daughter and I taught a class on “Buying and Selling on eBay” at the local seniors’ center. The class was six weeks long and hands-on. Each person brought an item in to sell and we took them through the whole process, from signing up with eBay and Paypal, to writing a description […]

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grey and black home office all in one printer with paper in the tray and an orange "on" button

Laser Printer Fumes

I have an older laser printer, but it still works well and lasts for a long time before I have to change the ink cartridge. It’s a Brother printer, in case you’re interested and even though it’s over five years old, I was able to download a driver so that it would work with Vista. […]

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icon of an orange rectangle with a zipper down the middle and a red banner with the word zip written on it

Zipping Files

Most of you are probably familiar with unzipping files when they are either sent to you or downloaded from the Internet as a zipped file. It’s usually just a matter of clicking on the file, selecting the unzip option and you’re done. But I had never zipped files up myself before. Why would I want […]

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mockup of a laptop on a wooden table

Free Computer Help

Problems With Your Computer Just found a site that looks like a keeper if you have computer tech issues. It’s called Geeks to Go and has a forum to ask and answer questions, how to guides, lots of info on spyware and viruses, and some well written tech reviews on everything from photo software to […]

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