
young twenty something Mom kissing her two year old daughter on the forhead while holding her in her arms


This is another poem that I wrote many years ago. I hope you like it. Different I don’t know how to tell you Just what to do or say, When thoughtless, shallow people Turn their heads and look away. They take their health for granted, Their eyes and ears and limbs, And when they see […]

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Sleeping Girls

My Little Girl

I wrote this poem when my girls were little, but this photo of my sleeping grandaughters makes me think of it again. Hope you enjoy it:) My Little Girl Blue eyes of heaven shine, her golden hair it glows, I’m glad this little one is mine and I hope she always knows. I love her […]

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four year old boy with blue hat and six year old boy in orange hat reading a book together in a field with cows in the background

A Poem About Children

I was going through some old files of mine and came across a little poem I wrote in 1995 – And yes, I have three boys who are two years apart. The format is actually four lines per stanza, but for the sake of space, I’ve made it into two. I hope you enjoy it […]

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