My Podcast Experience So Far
For the past two years, I’ve wanted to start a podcast. But the process seemed way too intimidating. I took three different podcast courses and still was intimidated. Finally I decided enough was enough and at the beginning of 2017 I started my podcast – Purpose For Your Life. And guess what – I love […]
Slowly Finding My Way
First of all, thank you to those of you who took the time to email me your thoughts re my struggling to find myself. Is there such a thing as a late-life crisis? If there is, I’m right in the middle of it. I’m in the fall of my life, on a road to who […]
I Need Your Thoughts
Here I am with another post wondering how I should be spending my time and energy. Sorry if you’re getting tired of hearing about it, but life is getting too short to waste time doing things that don’t matter to other people or to me. We’ve all been given specific strengths and I don’t want […]
Searching For My Meaning
As you may have noticed when I wrote the post wondering if I should retire or not, I have been searching these days for my purpose and meaning for this stage of my life. I turned 68 two weeks ago and those questions gather more steam as my days seem to be getting closer to […]
Should I Retire?
Should I or shouldn’t I? Retire that is. With my 68th birthday quickly approaching, I’ve been asking myself that a lot lately. My husband wants me to be free to spend more time with him. But what would I do with the rest of my life? I doubt he wants me with him 24/7, he […]
Beachpreneurs and Pensicola Beach
I didn’t mention in my last blog post, but I was also watching the Florida hurricane closely because I was headed to Pensicola Beach for a ladies mastermind retreat. I was there for close to four days, working with three coaches and four other awesome small business owners. We came from both sides of Canada […]
Thanksgiving Thoughts
I’m sitting here at my desk feeling very thankful today. Partly because Canadian Thanksgiving is a few days away and that gives me pause to consider all the things I have to be thankful for. In fact, a friend of mine who is struggling to get through chemotherapy told me how thankful she is for […]
My Learning Goal
Starting From Scratch Sometimes being a life-long learner is a hard thing. I have bought way too many tutorials I have not finished and dowloaded way too many free resources I have never read. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, running in so many directions and not knowing where I am […]