My Little Girl

Sleeping GirlsI wrote this poem when my girls were little, but this photo of my sleeping grandaughters makes me think of it again. Hope you enjoy it:)

My Little Girl

Blue eyes of heaven shine, her golden hair it glows,
I’m glad this little one is mine and I hope she always knows.

I love her when she’s happy, I love her when she’s sad.
She’s a very special part of me, whether she is good or bad.

Her golden hair curls gently as round her head it grows.
She smiles and God is smiling. Great happiness she shows.

Her face will soon show beauty. Her eyes will soon show tears.
Her form will soon show womanhood. Her age will soon show years.

Someday she’ll be a woman with children of her own.
She’ll know the utter happiness of an angel, not yet grown.

Though someday she be gray with age, I know she’ll always be
That little, golden, impish child, who smiles each day for me.

© Carol Bremner

Feel free to share it as long as you include my copyright.


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young beautiful woman looking out the window with a reflection of an elderly lady looking back at her

Looking Back and Pressing Forward

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  1. This is so very sweet, Carol! I just love it – and the whole ‘circle of life’ process that it so lovingly describes. Absolutely delightful!

      • Gramma C
      • Friday

      Thank you so much Lisa Marie. I enjoy writing poetry, although I can only do the rhyming kind:)

    • Eleanor McCallum
    • Friday

    This brought tears to my eyes. I may have read it long ago but thanks for this beautiful reminder.

      • Gramma C
      • Sunday

      I’m glad it touched your emotions Eleanor. Please feel free to leave a link to your website next time.

  2. Reply

    That is a very beautiful poem in which any daughter would be so proud to have that written about her. It shows such love and care. Family is a wonderful thing to be blessed with.

    Thank you for the read it pulled at my heart strings and warmed my insides.

      • Gramma C
      • Sunday

      I’m glad you enjoyed it Melanie. And yes, family is a wonderful thing.

  3. Reply

    Very appropriate post for April, which is National Poetry Month!

      • Gramma C
      • Sunday

      Thanks Susan. I didn’t realize this was National Poetry Month. Since I’ve got all kinds of them I’ve written over the years, I guess this month would be a good time to post them:)

  4. Carol,

    What a sweet poem. Like you, I see my daughter, and now my granddaughters. And like Eleanor it brought tears to my eyes.

    I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to print this out and put it up in our store.

      • Gramma C
      • Monday

      I would be honoured, Mary, if you want to print the poem out and post it. I’m happy you liked it!

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