AI and Healthy Living

I had my three month diabetic visit and the session was filled with tech conversations. My doctor walked in with a laptop and said with my permission she’d like her new AI assistant to be taking notes on our visit. At the end of our time together, she showed me the summary notes that the AI had written based on our conversations and said that the AI was saving her so much time on admin tasks.

Also during our visit, my doctor was very pleased with how well I am managing my diabetes. I told her it was thanks to the help of an app called My Diet Diary that I’ve downloaded to my phone. It’s been keeping track of the number of carbs I’m eating and has helped me make much better food choices. I get reminded about drinking enough water and exercising as well. It scans bar codes and even has the ability to scan my plate, diagnose the food on it, and do the calorie count (reliably too).

The world of AI is so interesting and constantly improving almost every day. Yes, there are drawbacks but that’s the same with any new technology.  In fact, I’ve been trying out AI to help me brainstorm ideas and become more productive.

walk by faith christian quote line artOne of the things I’ve been trying to figure out is how to help my teen grandgirls to get in the habit of reading a Bible verse every morning to start their day off well. Most of the things I’ve found included explanations or anecdotes and were too detailed for a busy teen to read before school so I decided to create my own verse a day planner. I asked AI to suggest some possible themes and any other things I should keep in mind if I was creating a daily verse devotional that a teen would like to read. The result was about 8 pages of suggestions given to me in about five minutes. The content was really useful too. If you would like to see the resulting output, click here for the pdf. The words in italics were my prompts to the AI and all the rest was the text I received back.

AI platforms are not going away so we might as well learn to use them wisely. Like all forms of media, it can be used for good or bad. Let’s learn how to make it beneficial.


P.S. Have you seen the new items in my shop and the free printables that I’ve added?


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