Writing an eBook

Do You Have a Book In You?

If you have always wanted to write a book, why not start with an ebook? This is a photo of my mother who wrote many books before she passed away.

using computerEveryone is an expert at something and other people would love to know what you have to say.

To get you started, try the following:

  • make a list of all the things you know, or have experienced (even health problems can be an area of expertise and you can help others who may have the same concerns).
  • choose the topic you feel most passionate about to start with
  • decide on a time of day and force yourself to write for at least 5 minutes (I find that whenever I have something I don’t want to do, I make myself for just 5 minutes and usually find I can work longer than that).
  • divide your topic into 10 to 12 chapters, with 4 sub-headings per chapter (this isn’t written in stone, just a guideline).
  • make it your goal to write at least a chapter per day if you can.

If you can’t think of chapters, try listing all of the things you know about
your topic. You should then be able to see some common subject areas.

More tips to come and let me know how you are making out with your project.

Have a great day,

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